A lot happening!
I woke to this vision this morning that looked just like this image. I began to draw and this is what emerged. I draw to help explain what I’m seeing. And, yes, these visions often come from Samantha, and then I transduce the energy of it when I draw.
What this drawing says to me as I can feel it (this means I’ve captured the essence of it in a part of my light body which is transferred to the image), is that the new matter form is crystalizing. The geometric web of rose gold is the mathematic pattern for the crystallization or manifestation of the form. The liquid blue sapphire is the base energy, and you can see a crystallizing blue rose emerging adhering to the mathematic geometry of the rose gold web. There is rose gold particles surrounding it and brown which represents the dirt or matter of the earth. The rose gold is life ether.
The blue sapphire is transforming the matter to a higher state of manifestation. We are made of Earth matter and our Spiritual essence which is of a higher state, transduces the base earth matter to crystallize into this new state. This is much like cymatics when higher frequencies of sound applied to sand or water, shows a more complex and intricate geometry pattern.
This affects all aspects of our being, physical, mental, emotional, and everything in between. Our soul is the consciousness which engages this higher state of geometry to adapt our manifested form and thus our reality. Thus, it can be uncomfortable to the body, continues to challenge our thoughts and bring up deeper held emotional patterns, but make no mistake, our base reality is changed - not changing, it is changed. How we adapt to that is up to each person.
I realize my explanation may sound complex but this is what we’ve been “waiting” for and what individuals like Samantha have been waiting for. The rules of manifestation have changed. Some are calling this a changing of the guard. We are the change. It’s the embodiment of Sol or Soul connected to the ultimate Creation Source that is the changing of the guard from my perspective. #revealingthejewelsofautism #5D #newearth #wearethechange #ascension #rosegold #bluesapphirerose