How’s everyone? This is a compilation of recent social media posts to catch everyone up on recent activity on the earth, the Milky Way, and its connection to the family of Galaxies making up the omniverse. Things are happening so fast, it's hard to keep up... Acceleration is on speed!
About a week ago...
I feeling Sagittarius A which is a black hole in the center of Milky Way and some call black star of abaddon which has been siphoning from the Milky Way and part of how the fallen matrix has been kept in place. Here’s a link from the ascension glossary put out by Lisa Renee, founder of Energetic Synthesis to give this a bit of context: It’s one reference. It feels like I can go through it now and that the Milky Way galaxy is joining the massive galactic cluster of which we’re a part. Last week, a young “quantum autist” (these children are bit different because of how deep their connection is to “beyond” what we imagine to be the quantum field and began being birthed here about second half of 2016), showed me they came into this universe through birthing galaxies which is a “portal” of dark matter and creates a “space” for the galaxy to exist from the physical vantage point. Anyway, this little girl who’s almost 8 y.o., Mishika, showed me that in 2026, almost a billion galaxies of which the Milky Way is a part of, will harmonize like tuning forks - almost a billion galaxies. So this process of re-claiming Sag A seems to be part of this process. There’s much more to this “story” but all I can manage to share at the moment. Of course, I can’t “prove” any of this but I started seeing “Sag A black hole” in my body last night. It’s like an inner screen for me. So just take what resonates. But what this means is that the fallen matrix cannot survive these changes. #dissolvefallenmatrix
Earth is undergoing a frequency shift. The physical earth. Cosmic Rose gold webbing or weaving is connecting the earth and our solar system to the cosmos. Yes, it’s always been part of the cosmos but there’s a level of consciousness that’s been “detached” from this awareness. It runs through our bodies, too. We’re part of this vast consciousness. The question comes, is this happening because our consciousness is expanding at macro and micro levels? It’s like being in the universal waters and part of the nervous system of creation. So many ways to look at this. #earthfrequencyshift #consciousnessshift #consciousnessrising #revealingthejewelsofautism
Posted 12-11-2024 on our Patreon page and update:
This is a friendly reminder that our next live meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time for Cosmic members. If any free members would like to join for a month and check it out, please join by visiting the website directly on a computer or laptop or go directly to If you use the Apple app, 30% of your membership payment will go to Apple instead of the content creator. You can cancel at any time.
Now for a brief update and the topics that are coming up for discussion next week.
Tomorrow, from the United States perspective is the 12/12. You may already be feeling the energy but from what I was shown, a Father gate is supposed to open in Kenya. This is direct access to the Cosmic Father instead of accessing Father from the Father Arc - my simple understanding is that this has never been available in this way ever on earth. A Mother gate already opened in November in Mozambique. I'm not sure where exactly these gates are at the moment. Like I had mentioned in previous posts, the 14D gate had opened in fall 2023 in Mwanza, Tanzania. Since the Mother gate was established, she is magnetically drawing her counterpart, Cosmic Father. A couple of days ago, I found myself writing frantically this light language horizontally but right to left. I got the words, "Father fire codes" as I was writing. My entire right side of my body felt like it was on fire the next morning - literally, from the right side of my hara line to the outer edge of my skin on the right side. The fascia, the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even liver have been intense. This is causing more clearings. Also, masculine and feminine programming of thoughts and emotions are exacerbated in my awareness. Meaning, I am more introspective about the inner battle that may have been going on within me. Also, if you have male family members, they may be on edge. The 'true and clear' masculine and feminine principles are and will continue to activate on the planet to stimulate much healing but as you all know, this first brings up the distortions. It feels like this is going to the "quantum" levels, however, which to me means at the cellular, microcellular, and subatomic levels. Even as I type this, I'm seeing DNA unraveling. For those of you who may have looked more closely at the Stellar Nations material, this deep healing feels to be what Stellar Nations calls the male and female serpent lines in particular. Also, from the energetic synthesis perspective, it's the gender wars splitting the masculine and feminine principles to be at war and at odds with one another. I feel like we really witnessed this in the last US presidential election with the two candidates. Subsequently, you may have noticed women who wanted the democratic candidate blaming women for selling out their sisters and/or men sold out the women. I know I've seen this from a friend on social media and is part of the progamming to keep humanity fighting amongst each other. With the Cosmic Mother and Father here and present in our physical world, we have an amazing opportunity to finally bring humanity together - obviously, this may not happen overnight, but we can participate in this healing. I'm going to be talking with Chastity about what's happening with the 12/12-12/13 and will likely have more insights next Tuesday.
Some topics for next week. We usually have a time to chat privately before the formal meeting. This part is not released publicly on YouTube at a later date.
Pre-formal meeting topics so far:
-Was there a shift or activation in 1996 which brought in another level of autists?
-The soul matrix - how is it distinguished from the soul? The availability of soul, oversoul, and avatar matrix. How is this related to your gifts and attributes to share at this time? AKA, your soul purpose. And an offer for autists in the cosmic membership.
Presentation portion:
-Quantum autists and many non-verbal or beyond verbal autists in general, although can be very challenged, are maintaining a level of consciousness bc they’re not indoctrinated. Are they a fail safe part of the plan?
-2025 - Samantha says is the year of the Sol or Sun. What does it mean?
Update from today, 12/12/2024
There’s a lot of planetary miasma leaving the physical planet since yesterday evening. This is directly related to the Milky Way freeing itself from the black hole. In order to maintain siphoning mechanisms, bindings of sorts had to be placed in the Milky Way and on earth. This feels like fallen black widow webbing, an overlay of a sort in or around organic dark matter. There’s a lot of emotion being released. You or your autist child may be feeling this. One second feeling the freedom and sudden feeling of breathing then another layer or miasma, anger, deep sadness releasing. It was interesting last night when I was feeling anger of rape surfacing from the planet. It was like with the presence of Father coming, it was stirring memories in the planet of very aggressive imposition of the fallen masculine and its forceful tactics to harness the Mother Earth, Mother Nature. The Cosmic Father and Mother are preparing for the inter course of its true Expressions and memories of rape are surfacing. Remember, as the Christos-Sophia that we are, we have both expressions and conflicting feelings may surface within us. More next Tuesday on this. If you can’t make it live, the recording is usually up within a few hours.