By Susan Oros
Astronomy was one of my favorite topics when I was in college. I loved looking at the stars in awe and wonder. I wasn’t spiritual at all at that age. I had dabbled with the notion of atheism and agnosticism in my young adult days even though I grew up going to church. I loved looking at the stars and I loved science fiction movies about space exploration such as Star Trek and Star Wars. My spiritual journey and awakening began in 1995 but it wasn’t until 2009 in the midst of my cancer treatments that I began to realize that there was something I was supposed to remember, and that there was something I came to do. I knew it had something to do with the stars and God but I wasn’t quite sure what. It felt like the stars and constellations were speaking to me. I was feeling the consciousness of these stars and constellations.
Astrology is somewhat related to astronomy but certainly the focus is different. Astronomy is the study of stars and the physical aspects of stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe. Astrology from one website is defined as “the study of the movements and relative positions of the celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.” This describes an energetic and consciousness aspect of the stars, planets, and constellations. An energetic consciousness is present in all of creation; sentience perhaps as Sammie says. I’m not trained at all as an astrologer so what I will be describing here is this sentient consciousness emanation of these galactic zodiac constellations and the conscious awareness of what I’m receiving from the autist collective and my own soul consciousness information. Behind what we see with our eyes are complex arrays of geometries and fractal patterns through a complex array of alchemical processes which manifest into visible form. In other words, enabling Spirit to manifest into matter. These complex geometries and fractal patterns, or matrices, are also utilized by Source as portals or energetic highways to transmit Spiritual Information. It is the way in which these 13 Galactic Zodiac Constellations are pointed at us that is significant in how our Spiritual DNA blueprint is activated, as is directed by our unique soul matrix. This blog is mainly describing the energetic transmissions from these constellations as our universe is now an Open Source system rather than the closed false matrix system. We are living through these changes.
One book I recently perused through is, Astrology of the 13 Signs of the Zodiac, by Vasilis Kanatas (I say perused because I read the first few chapters to gain an overall perspective and some historical background of how our 12 sign astrological system came about). He is a physicist who has an interest in astronomy and astrology. He argues that we should be working with the 13 Zodiac constellations rather than just the 12 that traditional astrologers have been using because it is a much more accurate depiction of how we “move” or rotate through these constellations. The full history of our current astrology system and the planetary influence is beyond the scope of this blog for the sake of space and time, and simplicity. Sammie and the autists have been saying that these messages need to be relatively short and simple since many are so inundated with information these days.
Ophiuchus was taken out of the astrological system for reasons that are unclear to me but Ophiuchus has been there since our birth. It’s curious to note that Ophiuchus was considered the healer according to some websites I had come across. I was drawn to the work of Kanatas from meditations we had done in the Energetic Synthesis community; meditations and class material dated back to 2014 and 2018. I was drawn to the work of this physicist because his symbol for Ophiuchus is the greek letter, phi. Several years ago during my awakening process I kept having visions of this letter, phi. My soul guidance said it was a key and that I had left a trail of clues for myself to access information. And I am here today, feeling the power of Ophiuchus. The image attached with this post of the 13 zodiac constellations was energetically inspired by the autists and my connection with these constellations this past October. The center diamond represents a diamond sun and the web like star around it represents the Creatrix of Form.
This table also attached with this blog shows the date range from Kanatas’ book of each constellation. The elements associated with it were added by me with guidance from the Autist Collective.
Many of you may know that each of the astrological signs are associated with an element; Pisces-Water, Aries-Fire, Taurus-Earth, Gemini-Air, Cancer-Water, Leo-Fire, Virgo-Earth, Libra-Air, Scorpio-Water, Sagittarius-Fire, Capricorn-Earth, Aquarius-Air. It is the elemental nature of the constellations that activates our spiritual DNA at birth; igniting in a sense the Breath of Spirit that is your Soul Gift you are here to BE. Devas and elemental spirits are in a sense encoded with the alchemical law of that element. Note in the chart that the names of the elements are different than water, fire, earth and air. They are still related to these traditional elements but now even these elemental spirits and devas are streaming in new refined aspects of Spirit for All is Spirit in Action. Ophiuchus, as the 13th constellation brings balance and neutrality into the system of the 12. These new elements have been streaming in for several months but now the consciousness portal that are these constellations will begin to emanate these new substances because we are transforming physically from a bi-wave false architecture to the true organic tri-wave architecture where polarity is balanced.
You’ll note that the Pisces is ‘liquid fire’ but it is a water related sign. I thought I had it wrong but Sammie clarified that the elements that are said to be ‘liquid’ are of the antimatter 'realms' and that ‘liquid fire’ is to the anti-matter realms what water is in the matter world. You’ll also note that Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio have the names of the traditional elements but then with Ophiuchus this year begins the cycle of the new elemental substances. We go into a sense of neutral integration phase with Ophiuchus (as I am feeling it) to regroup, gather aspects of our soul - and even our light bodies of various galactic expressions our souls may have experienced. The elemental names are in quotes because it was difficult to capture what they “are” based on our known experience. When I tried to understand deeper what qualities these substances are, I was informed that we would begin to understand as we move through each one and experience them. This will take several years and cycles, and as we enter Ophiuchus each year going forward, we will pause, get centered, neutralize, do soul retrieval, become coherent, and prepare for the next cycle. As we do so, we will evolve out of this extreme polarity and all its distorted foundations.
We are the balance of matter and antimatter or particle and antiparticle so pay attention to how you feel through the antimatter or ‘liquid’ element phases. If your birthday falls in one of these liquid element cycles, see how that feels for you. For example, I was born under the traditional sign of Capricorn but am Sagittarius in this Zodiac system. I don’t feel like a fire sign but ‘liquid ether’ has a resonance. Liquid ether feels like the breath from formlessness in a stillness. It feels very stabilizing. It’s interesting to note that a few years ago I had some very powerful experiences with the constellation of Sagittarius.
This is an interesting video about matter and anti-matter:
Note what he says about ‘missing anti-matter’. According to what I’ve been shown, there has been this film like substance down the center of our body that “separates front to back” which seems to have kept this anti-matter aspect and the corresponding chakras out of our awareness. The anti-particle chakras are 9-12 with 8 being the transition. Interesting that some are still working only up to chakra 8, others with 12 or 13 chakras but you must be working with the 15 chakra system in order to access the 15 dimensions from which the 12 dimensional human avatar blueprint operates.
There is so much that could be said but I will close here for now. As some of you are feeling, there's also planetary influences linked to these constellations as well which is admittedly more than my mind can possibly grasp at this time. There are a few new symbols that I have received so far which are the devas of some of these new spiritual substances. We are available for private sessions to incorporate this latest work. You can schedule a free 20 minute consult if you're interested in our activations such as this one; email me, Susan Oros, at
For more information about the alchemical laws of the 13 signs of the Zodiac, visit the Ascension Glossary at (for example you can search ‘Ophiuchus’ or ‘Sagittarius’). Visit to see how you can access the meditations and previous class material about the 13 Zodiac Signs.
As always, use your power to discern what is right for you in this moment. Submitted in Service to the One, the ALL.