If you missed the live transmission, you can still view the recording. See below. It was quite intense and I could sense a lot of grounding work was needed to continue so there is an energy process throughout to help stabilize you. We did some adjustments and also stabilized the dan tien centers so that you can embody higher aspects of yourself. This process is also helpful for the autists in their embodiment.
Following the session, it got even more intense in our household and Sammie and I were guided to bring the beyond verbal autist collective consciousness into the 7D earth. We did this by using the mandala like image you see in the above image. This is actually an image the autists had me draw in 2019 - so it represents the collective soul consciousness of them. By "imbedding" this mandala into the 7D earth, it really begins the process of merging their collective consciousness with the collective human consciousness which is to take place around 2040 - Sammie adds plus/minus 3 years. They are returning the higher multidimensional aspect - 7D-15D (now we're in 18D harmonic universe and they're collective consciousness includes this) that humanity lost thousands of years ago. The humans currently on earth have known up to 7D, the crown. Consequently, the crown is where we will overlap with the autists. Note: although they are present on earth loosely connected to their bodies, the core aspect of their consciousness remains in the higher heavens.
The earth is undergoing rapid changes and thus the earth is pulling them down. Their vibration of the higher heavens will enable more to feel the pure love from Source enabling more people to awaken and expand their consciousness to make this merge in about 15 years. There are others like perhaps those reading who are like the bridge between the two as we expand our consciousness and will help more people to make the transition.
The whole live meeting was almost 2 hours so we split it into two sections:
Part I - We do grounding, talk a bit about my experiences with Samantha these last 7 years and also talk about soul missions which is within each person's soul matrix.
Part II - the transmission from the Autist Collective and featured is one young man, Mikolai
Link to full live if you want to watch it in one sitting.
Other recent activity:
This past week, we felt the earth undulating like waves. The physical earth is receiving intense transmissions from what we call the quantum field. In the past we've been receiving a lot transmissions from the macrocosm. This year we will be receiving quantum field transmissions which really begins to transform the physical. Sammie said that we are "moving" up two octaves in frequency compared to the 3D frequency many of us were born into. There will be no doubt that things are rapidly changing and that we're making an exponentially huge quantum leap. This is the biggest one ever!
One last thing for all you amazing subscribers:

This is something Sammie said to me several years ago. It makes sense more than ever. She exists on a different plane of reality but also experiences this physical reality because her body is here but not the way we do. The vestibular and proprioceptive systems give us a sense of balance and where our bodies are in space. I learned this from my children’s therapists growing up.
Case in point, one time, to my horror, she walked over a picnic blanket of food and people sitting around it. She walks around with 2-4 stuffed toys in her hands. She needs some type of tactile input to keep her connected I realized. Her soul and spirit have not been connected to the physical body like the “typical” 3D human. It’s a mystery how her soul managed to do this. She does feel pain when she’s injured but it is as if she exists on another plane. Things have to be concrete in some ways not because she’s unintelligent but it’s like she has to make sure of what she’s sensing. She’s heavy footed stomping around. Sometimes she repeats an action like if she drops something as if she’s checking how that happened. I’ve read other autistics say they banged their heads because they can then feel as if they’re walking around numb. Is it like being in a dream state?
Their world is just as “real” I realize. Perhaps more real actually. A world of beautiful energies expressing in many different ways. A world that’s accessed from our inner sense when the eyes and the feeling states can experience other realities. Living with Sammie, I don’t need any ayahuasca or DMT… haha. My inner world and access has changed so much that I can’t even fathom how I used to be. That’s a whole other person and life. As these autistics land in their bodies and the earth matter shifts to a much, much more refined vibration, more will be able to experience this. We won’t need the drugs and alcohol where we’re headed. #revealingthejewelsofautism #newearth #quantumleap#consciousness #soul