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Total Reset of Matter & the final 888 of August

A quick post.

Today, 8-26-2024 is the final 888 of August. Samantha has been saying all weekend that it marks the total reset of the physical matter worlds. This morning I woke up to visions of a liquid goldish field with dark globules in the brain and in the gut. It was going through the folds of Samantha’s brain. The dark globules feels magnetic and feels like it’s cleansing the matter brain and gut. The words, “Miracles happening” was prominent in my vision.

The last 7 years has been leading us to this point. Samantha has been working hard in the outer cosmic realms outside of time & space so to speak to get to this point. And because her spiritual core was not connected to the body, her spirit was able to do this. She was not going to embody into a human form that operates on extreme polarity and duality. And I know other autistics and very old souls have been working on this, too, but I can only speak to my experience and visions with Samantha. So I don’t mean to sound exclusive in the way I’m describing this. This has taken millions of souls on the planet to get to this point.

The reset of physical matter from my lensing means that the Eternal Spirit of Christ or the tri-wave and trinity is the energetic “glue” that “holds” subatomic and quantum “essences” to create matter. Consequently, the reset of matter enables us to actually and finally EMBODY the trinity. It brings peace to the body. Inner battles will begin to find balance and peace. It also bridges the left and right hemispheres of the brain, neutralizes the electric and magnetic for true inner balance, neutralizes the electron and proton to enable proper atomic functioning, and much more. The theta brainwave which brings feelings of inner peace and tranquility will become more natural and become the predominant brainwave even in the waking state. 

The image above was drawn to stabilize the energetics of what’s underway. This reset will likely feel destabilizing to many people, and the world stage will continue its drama. Let them. More than ever, our inner state and embodying the trinity is what creates a new world. We’ve been playing out extreme polarity. This is especially prominent in the US political system at the moment. Keeping us divided and in polarized states keeps the old systems going of war, the haves and have-nots going. Even the concept of polarity and duality will cease to exist except in the thought patterns, beliefs, and language we continue to use until a certain percentage of us stabilizes this trinitized form.

For people like Samantha and others of vast consciousness, the reset of matter also means that very refined fractal “spaces” can open in the physical to “house” that consciousness. Density changes. This is the etherization of matter. The body is a Holy vessel and yearns to be in Oneness and Wholeness. The cells yearn to be in Wholeness and Oneness. The atom yearns to be in Oneness and Wholeness. 

And so it is…

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