The Archangels are vast energetic beings who hold certain principles from the Divine Source. As I experience them, they are vast pure aspects of light holding very sacred principles as fields of living consciousness. The principles they bring are assisting all of humanity to make a quantum leap in consciousness.
Do they really have wings and look human? Many of them have come to me with those forms but really, they are not masculine or feminine and can also appear as energy fields of color or orbs. For example, Archangel Zadkiel has often appeared to me as a midnight blue energy field with no human features or wings but I know it is Archangel Zadkiel simply by what my whole being says. And, if you look at my recent artwork below, I was capturing their energy principles in geometries.
I had experiences with angels and a few archangels prior to 2013 but I didn’t quite experience their vastness until January of 2013. There was a lot of speculation about what was supposed to happen at the end of 2012. Clearly, if something “happened” then it didn’t happen in the outer world as we know it. For me, something drastic did open up and one of the ways I experienced it was that all the archangels suddenly became available so readily. I won’t spend a lot of time discussing angels and archangels here because many others have already done that and their information is readily available on the web. Feel what resonates for you.
Recently, new archangels have appeared and if you search the web, others are identifying new archangels. I'm introducing 5 new Archangels here and an "expanded presence" of Archangel Zaphkiel. 1) Archangel Sophiel, 2) Archangel Niathulus (Nee a thoo loose), 3) Archangel Xenophiel (Zee no fee el), 4) Archangel Chaziel, and 5) Archangel Jezebiel (I honestly don't know how the names come but that is the energy which draws a name).
Look at the snapshot of the images of the archangels below. If you feel drawn, open the PDF to get the full spectrum of the energy. You are encouraged to draw them from scratch yourself as beings or see if there are tones or a melody that inspire you to create from scratch. However, please to not alter the originals as I was inspired to create them to be coherent, balanced and grounded. We are each unique soul lenses and how the energy filters through you will assist in manifesting their fullness on the earth.
I recorded energetic meditations for a few of them and you can listen if you are drawn to it. Click on the image if you want the full energetics of the principle.

Archangel Anacleus
"God Embraces the Human Form"
His name means the Father embraces the human form. It can also mean the Father has returned. We have been focused on the return of the divine feminine. The feminine has been repressed and misogyny has been prevalent across our globe during this last epoch of humanity. However, we have also experienced a distorted masculine principle; one exhibited by aggression and global domination. Archangel Anacleus' energetic signature is the Essence of Father as Protector and Guardian but He it is not about aggression. The Protector and Guardian from this perspective is not to fend off or fight off but is one who opens a grand and magnificent etheric landscape and holds it in a loving embrace to allow the Mother to birth.

Click on the image to open the full image transmission.

Archangel Jezebiel
"God Loves the Human Form"
Her name purposefully is very close to "Jezebel". Her energy is precisely to "insert" a new code right into our physiology. The belief that the human form is "ungodly" or a "fall from grace" has been perpetuated during this last epoch of human evolution. Misogyny has especially been an unconscious influence on the planet; just look at the latest presidential race underway at the time of this posting. Archangel Jezebiel is not here to "transmute" or "transcend" the belief system that was, but instead is part of the new platform currently under construction.

Click on the image to open the full image transmission.
Archangel Sophiel
"It is a Benevolent Universe"
I first "met" Archangel Sophiel in spring of 2013. She came in as a pure white angel. She is here to bring back our faith that Creation is innocent and pure.

Click on the image to open the full image transmission.
"God Flourishes"
Archangel Niathulus first appeared to me in spring of 2014. His code says that Creation is always flowering, evolving, and we all are a part of that. This recorded energetic meditation goes through the layers of the aura and the physical body to imprint the code "God flourishes." We are all swept up when God flourishes.
Archangel Niathulus
Archangel Xenophiel
"Love encompasses all that you are"
When this archangel came through in the 10-23 transmission, I thought I was imagining her name but her energy field is here to collect up all our "miscreations" if we each can allow it. Literally, her name says, "God loves the strange." Her energy feels like it is here to transmute what have been deemed to be 'perverse', and 'unacceptable', '

Click on the image to open the full image transmission.
"All is in Divine Order"
This archangel is not as well known as the others but still a very powerful source and much needed on the planet now. To me, the energy of "All is in Divine Order" is to assist in bringing a sense of peace and stability within when so much feels like it is being turned upside down.
Archangel Zaphkiel

Click on the image to open the full image transmission.