What are the Galactic Suns?
This sounds like a simple question to answer but is actually more complex to answer due to our perceptions, understandings, and beliefs about God or Source Creator, and even Soul. The simplest way to answer this question for the moment is to suspend your current beliefs about the Creator - whatever that may be. The Galactic Suns are one of the first Emanations of Source or the Formless One. It feels like the first burst of the exhale. What I'm describing is at the level of the Omniverse before universes or galaxies as we think of them. And in this first emanation, it feels like there were or are many "lineages" of Great Beings and so these Galactic Suns are among the first explosive emanations of the Formless One. It feels like the first Soul expression in some ways and the 12 Galactic Suns, which is truly One, is 12 "languages" of the Formless Source connected to the Omniverse, meaning millions of universes or expressions of Creation. There are 36 Autists amongst us from these 12 Galactic Suns; 3 from each "Sun" or "Sol" (Soul). They are here to heal, reweave, and teach about the nature of humanity, the Godhead, and ultimately what it means to be a part of the Omniverse or the ALL THAT IS.
For 12 days since 11/13/18, I was asked to capture the energetic images of each Galactic Sun and then to offer a group meditative experience starting on December 1, 2018 - December 13, 2018. Each day I facilitated the transmission of information about these Galactic Suns and a meditation. I was joined by a core group of powerful souls to help anchor this information. What arose were 12 Laws from the Consciousness of each Galactic Sun and these Laws have been imprinted into our 12 dimensions to be engaged in our physical bodies. I wondered how these Galactic Suns could even be perceived here and the answer that arose within me was that they are emanating through the Diamond Sun Disk Network (just as it sounds, a coherently grouped consciousness of Diamond Suns), quasars in our universe, 13 surrounding galaxies including our Milky Way and Andromeda, millions of stars in the Milky Way, our Sun, and obviously, because these Autists are here on the planet. There are also thousands of star seeds and advanced indigos on the planet stabilizing this field. And so, this is how we make it a reality in our world.
These images and meditations are offered free but we lovingly accept gratitude offerings for our service.

Introduction to the Galactic Sun Meditations
Each Galactic Sun presented with 2 color waves that wanted to be emphasized for expression. The two colors represent a masculine and feminine aspect as all of creation has these two principles. These are not opposing forces and one is not "dominant" over the other. In fact, this concept "dominance" does not even exist in the All That IS. Each Galactic Sun's number seems to represent the dimensions that the human avatar physical body is connected to and also the Earth. So, the 1st Galactic Sun corresponds to the 1st dimension or root.
Chanting of light language codes by Connie Regalado as transmitted to her by her Awesome son, Daniel. To listen to the clips of the chants only and the chant spelled out, click here.
To purchase the digital downloads of the 13 days of info and classes, and to support our service, click here.
Click on Image for full view
8 Galactic Sun
Featuring Connie Regalado chanting a transmission by her son Daniel
The primary colors emphasized are 1) Red and 2) Indigo
11 Galactic Sun
The primary colors emphasized are 1) Periwinkle & 2) Turquoise
Featuring Connie Regalado chanting a transmission by her son Daniel