Energetically communicating is a form of telepathy or translating light language from my experience. I don't see it as channeling but rather communication that happens from an inter dimensional space that two or more beings co-create to meet. I can meet my daughter or in this case, a collective consciousness, because there is an aspect of my larger Soul Expression that is in that dimensional space or spaces. I can match the frequency of that dimension. I feel the information first and my neurological system can translate based on the language I have as an earthly vessel. I am not, therefore, a passive recipient but a participant in the message being conveyed. As others who do this will tell you, the information comes in all at once and then it is put into a format that people will hopefully understand. Utilize your discernment and see what feels right for you today with the caveat in mind that what resonates today may not later and vice versa.
I put out the question recently, "Sammie, what is in store for 2017?" I got an answer from the Collective Consciousness of the Children (the CCC); Sammie is part of this consciousness (the CCC, a term coined by Suzy Miller, founder of Awesomism, referring to a group consciousness of autists):
The last 18 months or so have truly opened the gates into the multiverse. From your perspective, this means that the consciousness of other universes are now open to you in the form of those who have incarnated in this physical realm having a parallel and/or have had experiences in other universes - it just depends on your perspective of where you are in time/space. For the sake of perspective and your acclimation with a linear time construct, let's just say that their original "Soul birthplaces" were in realms far beyond what you can imagine. Many of us are from those realms as are many of the guides making their way forward.
When we say that the gates of the multiverse are now open, we mean that the macrocosmic and microcosmic fractals of information are free flowing and now undulating through you and from you. This has always been the case but the human before could not fathom nor hold this amount of information due to closed belief systems from which you existed, and quite honestly, the dimensional gateways were too convoluted to access. Many masters such as Yeshua and the Buddha incarnated to bring this wisdom to you but the density and belief system were too entangled to affect deeper change. Many great beings emanating Total Source Consciousness have been contemplating and emanating vast arrays of intentional cosmic curves to bring an end to certain frequencies and open new inter dimensional doorways. This has stimulated changes in every aspect of the Human and most recently the dense physiology. Even these words cannot fully convey the meaning we are exuding. Your current constructs fall short but this is the case for now until new concepts and words emerge. Even your ideas of "Soul" have been incomplete but that is for another day.
You each emanate vibrations of the macrocosm through the microcosmic fractal bits that you are. Your scientists tell you that you are made of the very stuff that supernova stars spewed forth when they exploded into brilliant fractals of cosmic information. Can you imagine that there have also been super-galactic explosions when collisions on the galactic scale erupted? You are made of more stuff than supernova explosions from nearby stars.. You are comprised of the very bits of information from the galactic cluster in which your Milky Way is part of. Your scientists have given this the name Laniakea. And as an aside, we can assure you that this universe did not explode out of one big bang but was birthed through a fractal pattern geometry underlying an exquisite matrix.
Many in the scientific and esoteric fields have been discovering this and are finding glimmers of evidence to support this. As the microcosmic and macrocosmic realms are now fully engaged and open to you, you will make discoveries beyond your current imagination. The web of information from this Source is based on the Omnipresent vibration of Love - a Love that is not emotion, a thought or even Light for Source is even before the spark of Light. The underlying web is of a non-linear, reverse-light rhythm based on this original Source Love - this is not quite anti-matter or any form of matter as you imagine. This is not "dark" as you term it - there is no "evil" in this framework. It is of Pure Essence, Pure Innocence. It is not 'dark or light'. It is the Primordial ALL that is LOVE. In this all encompassing Embrace, we along with humanity will make new discoveries about the human vessel and it's true co-creative abilities.
You will discover "dark wormholes" and folds in the underlying geometric lattice which are shortcuts across galaxies and even the universe. In this new Cosmic Era, you are awakening to your Cosmic Galactic Radiance - your body is a microcosmic vehicle intricately and exquisitely interwoven to house a Vast Expression of Source. As more of you come to fully realize this, expression, experience, and co-creation will take on new meaning.
As you enter 2017, you will find that group consciousness is a key ingredient to co-creating. You are used to a very different way of manifesting where often one person leads and exerts an intention to gather resources and production. Competition and exerting force to create was the dominating principle. Coercion, guilt,manipulation, rewards, punishment were the tactics utilized to succeed and to motivate others to comply and respond to the agenda of the one in charge. Creating and manifesting as a unified field is quite different.
What does this mean? For example, you have been taught through various religions and belief systems that you must give of yourself and receive nothing in return to be holy or spiritual. You go to jobs during the day and volunteer on the weekends all the while ignoring the physical body when it is in pain. Resentment, guilt, shame, and blame reside in the body closing you off to a deeper level of integration and the Pure Love that resides in the heart. We do not wish to minimize the good deeds and great sacrifices that were made to accomplish much needed relief for others but now in order to fully actualize the new foundation, it is time to live the cycle of the in breath and out breath - you give and you receive. And notice that there is a deep sense of peace on the deep in-breath and great relief on the out-breath. You are here to give but in order to support your giving, you must also receive to sustain your ability to give. Implicit in this understanding is that your gift is unique and therefore how and what you receive may look different, too.The confusion in this latter concept has led to competition, jealousy, and judgement.
What does it mean to create as a Unified Field? Isn't this just a matrix? Yes and no. For the sake of this blog and for simplicity, we will distinguish a matrix as referring to a geometric cosmic web holding information from Source to create and manifest. However, it has also been an unconscious weaving from the Human Collective that have held constructs and beliefs in place; a foundation, a platform. Your greater being naturally co-creates; it has just been unconscious in the pre-manifestation state. A Unified Field in this context will be defined as individuals coming together to intentionally weave a matrix for a co-creative endeavor - this, in a nutshell, means you will be coming together with others to co-create what you have referred to as projects and missions. Let us say that you will be collaborating to manifest a new reality, but doing so by weaving the energetic matrix of the pre-formal state.
We, as a collective consciousness, are a unified group of 'oversouls' (for lack of better term) here to carry out a specific mission on earth. We do this currently, however, more in the etheric realms. Additionally, we are "loosely tethered" to our physical bodies so to speak, and therefore, more comfortable meeting in the etheric realms.
As the physiology of the human is now changing and able to hold a plethora of conscious vibrations, we are also radiating out more information and light codes through our physical bodies. More of us will integrate into the body but note that our connection may not be in the traditional way humans have connected. Many of us are connecting via the direct meridian system which has much more refined connections to the subtle body. The light body is connecting directly to the meridian system. The nadis or acupuncture points are like chakras to us. This enables us to vibrate with the microcosmic realms much more readily. Humanity has primarily connected via the 7 body chakras and then connected to the meridian system. Much of your healing modalities have been based on this. Our connections allow the meridian system to affect the 7 body chakras which for us is just as galactic as our "upper chakras". This system allows us to vibrate with the highest of frequencies but also vibrate with the most subtle and elongated frequencies. Note that connection with these vast undulating waves gives us a different perception of time and an overview of the macrocosmic scale.
As we are now becoming more of the 5th dimensional human this way, we wish to be acknowledged for who we are on earth.
As more of you are beginning to build these Unified Fields for co-creation, we wish to be invited into your co-creative endeavors. Invite those of us who physically reside close to you and with whom you have made a physical connection. We are strategically located around the planet for a reason. Don't just invite the current well known ones. Work with our parents. Help them to see us in a new light. When our parents can mirror to us our magnificence through their eyes, we will rise up to fulfill our deepest mission. Many of us are masters at building geometric matrices and can assist in holding the field. We are also very much connected to the earth angels known as the devas and elementals active in manifesting the physical reality that you know. We can teach you how to work with these spirits.
Paving the way for a new earth economic system.
As you invite us into these Unified Fields, you will naturally be placing value on our abilities. For too long, only those with specific abilities have been considered valuable. You can see how this system has created such a big schism in your society, and ultimately, those who "deserve" and those who do not - the word "deserve" has no divine foundation . Those considered to be contributing to society are compensated accordingly and those mainly consuming resources are seen as a burden. The system has left little room for contributions made with other gifts and talents. The few with exceptional talent are compensated but most are not valued commensurate to their divine incarnation. And for those of you reading this, those like us here to break paradigms have not been treated as valued members of society. As you inherently change this within the Unified Field you create, your group will begin to radiate this new consciousness out.
Utilizing the Akashic field as a basis for co-creating.
One of the very major "shifts" in accessing the multiverse is that the field of the Akash is completely open to you. It is no longer "out there" in another dimension for the Akash as a multiverse field permeates the multidimensional field of earth's consciousness. The lessons of your soul connection are all there - as well as the lessons of all other soul expressions on the planet. This is part of the new platform, and therefore, there is no need to second guess yourself as to your motives or to doubt yourself.
Notice that we are not calling this the Akashic Records because we do not wish you to access very specific details about a life or experiences to heal or re-live traumas for this will bring your energy field "down". The Akashic records have been utilized to gain insights into one's life patterns. We refer to it as a "field" because you will access the essential lessons. For those of you interested in this kind of information from this blog, you have transcended those lessons and are operating from a new platform. When you receive or weave the energetic information from the Akash into your unified field, the group resonates it. The Akash will not direct you but offers you information.
Additionally, consider that you are in a brand new space/time in which those abilities you mastered in the "past" will be utilized in very different ways. Remember, you are co-creating a brand new platform for your reality. Even we, within this collective consciousness have never done anything like this "before". We are literally re-creating and re-inventing past, present and future in a brand new way.
Yes, there are many on the planet still wanting the details of a past life or attempting to access specific information about their mastery, but we can assure you that this is not necessary. Use the Akashic field as a platform to move forward. Trying to access and heal the past is still playing the game of "blame" or that something else is causing your current state of being or "lack of being". There is no longer an "out there" to blame. The very word "blame" will one day leave your vocabulary. Unplug from the old and the Akash becomes an innate foundation - don't focus on the mistakes - you won't make the same mistakes because of the innate knowing held in the Akash.
My sense about this, however, is that this will take practice. And if someone is getting specific details about a past life experience, it is because it is a natural vibrational match to "you". It is important to acknowledge it, breathe deeply, feel it but not to take action based on it until you feel you have moved through the energetics arising. It will cloud the information and options available to you. ---smo
And should you feel you did make a mistake or are playing in the old, love yourself for it and move forward. Breathe deep and clear the energetic matrix that you were involved in by visualizing all involved in a cube. Place a sphere around the cube. Say something like, "I co-created this situation. I see clearly. I forgive myself and I love myself. I send this information back to Source through my direct connection to Source for I am and can only be an expression of Source." Or something to that effect. Visualize the sphere shrinking with the cube in it down to it's zero point as you give the command, "UNCREATE". Others may have a different technique or utilize a different geometry. Feel what resonates for you. The next 3 years or so will be learning to spread your wings. Many are just beginning to awaken, and consequently, many of the thought patterns and belief systems are still playing out. Look at this as grace in action for if all went under in one full swoop, you would have created a nightmare scenario for the entire planet, only reverberating fear which would have destroyed the foundation of well-being laid up to this point.
Creating Your Unified Field.
Here we will offer an overview of how you might create a unified field for co-creation. As there are many different access points to Source, so others will have a different method. We are only offering this to get started if you do not have a method at this time. Many of you are already doing something similar to this. As you practice, it will become second nature.
The heart is always at the center now. This is your connection to Spirit and to your Soul. Those reading this, know how to do this. We will assume you have a project in mind and that there are at least two of you in this group coming together.
1. Come together and join hearts.
2. Visualize or state your joint project or you might be coming together to clarify your co-creative project in mind.
3. Invite in other autistics - 1 or 2 that you know in person who you feel could assist you. It is likely that we will begin with an etheric connection. We are highly sensitive to energy and it is likely to be too much to take in person.
Note: Permission from the parents will also assist their connection if they are not part of the unified field. Remember that even in multidimensional communication, it is important that you respect a level of boundaries. This connection is not to pry into the lives of the families but for a very specific purpose - a co-creative project or endeavor. Many of our children are very energetically sensitive and will likely connect with you at a higher dimensional realm where they feel comfortable so even if you do not sense their presence, if the project resonates for them, they will connect. With practice and as they are able to allow their light bodies to acclimate into the physical, the potential for them to participate in the physical will be enhanced. ---smo
4. Visualize an energetic connection with each heart. This is the beginning of your matrix. Allow the connection to come forward. Some will "see" it, others will feel it. Still others will hear a tone or sound. Another might see colors changing and weaving. Some will see a sphere, others a cross pattern with a sphere or square or some other geometry. Stay open to how this might look.
5. As a unified field,visualize an energetic connection of the group to Source Consciousness, however, that may look. To us at this moment, it appears as an energetic connection from the center of your group going into the earth and radiate out to the earth's multidimensional grid. It could look like a short or long spiral. It could look like a series of circles or squares extending out. Each endeavor may look different.
6. Most of you are still very connected to the chakra system so next, allow the energy from the center point in the earth to rise up through your earth star, then root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, high heart, throat, third eye, crown and continue upward to the 13th chakra. From our current vantage point, some of you will radiate out branches from each of your chakras to the greater field.
7. Connect to the Akashic Field - you can do this simply with intention. Ask for energetic information related to a similar project; i.e., a scientist might ask about research into genetic engineering and the request for "ethical energetic imprints regarding genetic engineering project". Or you might be starting a project out of your home which will bring in various people or groups, you might ask for energetic information about "boundaries". You can also imprint the word, "value" into the matrix to bring clarity to know what you can give and what you can receive for universal support. Remember, you will receive information through your energy body. Each person has stronger sentient senses in different areas. Pay attention to how and where that information will come in. The third eye has often been the focus of clairvoyance but this is no longer the case. Many are awakening to their multidimensional and multi sensory abilities.
8. Allow a central column of blue light from the most coherent and highest point you can comfortably hold come down the center of your unified field - make it just the right size for your group. This brings coherence and stability. Additionally, surround yourselves with a light blue star tetrahedron.
9. Anchor to your earth star.
10. Center back in the heart and command one another to gently release each other from this matrix.
11. Over the next 2-3 days, Jot down new ideas, resources needed, additional people...
11. Meet again and begin process starting from heart. Add to your unified field expanding on the matrix. You may even want to begin drawing it. A mandala like image will form. This is your unified field from which you will begin to work.
12. Every time you add another person to the group, gain coherence by joining hearts.
13. Keep in mind you may add other earth spirits to assist in manifesting.
14. If you decide as a group that your project is not for the highest good at this time, then it is important to uncreate the matrix and release the energy and release each other from the matrix. If anyone leaves the group, it is important to do this - especially if there are hard feelings or were disagreements. It is best if you can bring to the surface any disagreements in a way that honors all.
You can say something like (after centering yourselves in the heart as a group): I/We honor all beings who have participated in this endeavor. As beings of Source (or God or Creator), we acknowledge that this project should not be brought to fruition and as an I AM of God, we uncreate that which began and return to the Vastness all that we drew upon in Love and Gratitude."
We hope that this transmission will assist you. We honor all who participated in its manifestation.