This blog post contains other social media posts to update our audience subscribed to our website. I will start with what’s in process now and the upcoming new moon of 8-4-2024.
The upcoming new moon is like the solar eclipse of 4-8-2024 because the numbers are switched around. 4-8-8 (4-8-2024) solar eclispe & new moon, 8-4-8 (8-4-2024). This is something i’m noticing and not what astrologers are saying. The 8-4-8 is like a palindrome - the numbers are the same forward and backward; mirror image. And it feels like this is significant because the mirroring of all aspects are being corrected; meaning top to bottom or as above so below, left to right, inner to outer, back to front and vice versa for these aspects. In a sense, we've lived in a 3D world where the mirroring was manipulated (and I don't say that to mean we were victims in this) but other insertions were possible so we could not see the truth. Examples: People's energy signatures could be hidden, false mirrors reflecting untruths, relying on the outside world to tell you who you are, etc... Parallel timelines were hidden such as in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal channels. False histories could be inserted or missing pieces of the truth. Even the akashic records are not completely accurate I feel but it feels like akashic records may not be needed or cease to exist as all veils fall away and only the bare truth remains.
The image above is of the emerald sun emanating through an octagon, or 8 sided polygon. This Emerald Sun is emanating through during this phase of the new moon. My understanding of new moons is that when the sun light is not reflecting off the moon, we can receive more direct cosmic transmissions. I do understand it also represents new beginnings. After drawing it, i realized the significance of the octagon (and this 8 year) - it has parallel horizontal lines, vertical lines and diagonal lines. The diagonal lines go in both directions, right to left and left to right. Thus it became apparent to me it represents the balancing of all aspects (particularly inner union of masculine and feminine) and the correction of mirroring. It will become easier to balance all aspects of being. Remember, these are also timelines and so parallel timelines of past lives may come back into your awareness - this could perhaps be "good" or "bad" depending on what kind of role you played in the past in other lives. It's important to remember who you are today and that one of the reasons you are here today in this body is to heal all these aspects and be whole once again. We’re also here to heal ancestral lineages in all timelines of the past. I feel it is not helpful to “over-identify” with past lives but rather viewed as lessons learned. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t cry or have other emotions around it but process it in healthy ways but we have more support energetically from the cosmic influx of healing waves. Running guilt and continuous shame is not helpful to move forward. I certainly still find myself doing that so I understand this is not easy.
All illusions and delusions are being revealed and there are those who are losing their balance. It is easy to lose ones balance during these times because there is so much happening on multiple levels. The correction of mirroring or balancing all aspects is significant. One aspect of particular significance is the above and below aspect or the horizontal parallels. It reminds me of the phrase “…on earth as it is in heaven” and the concept of God’s laws and man’s laws which are not necessarily in alignment. We’ve pretended they are but not truly and so this harmonizing of the above and below will challenge us globally to truly live by the natural laws of the All That Is. We will be challenged even more to live authentically and perhaps even dig in deeper to unseen wounds and beliefs running in the unconscious that can be in our energy field. As the inner masculine and feminine can more easily come into balance, we may be challenged with our beliefs about the male and female physical expressions. I know many of you reading this have done much inner work.
Thus, while there are monumental things happening to support our continued evolution, there may be deeper challenges we face as the energy is pointing us deeper inward. Even more outdated beliefs will be challenged at all levels. As all channels are opening and impulsing us to come into balance, our perspectives are changing. We’re being challenged to view the world and ourselves from a new perspective. I do feel that on global and personal levels, people will try to run the same patterns and narrative but the results and responses will be unexpected. The old linear thinking of A leads to B then to C is dying. We already see this playing out but we may see this in more arenas and professions. Even spiritual communities will be shuffling and morphing.
As many of you know, one of the reasons we look inward is because it’s truly our inner state that creates our outer reality. If we see inner beauty and feel the Love of the Creator Source Field of the Heavens, we strive to create that in our outer world. Recently, we’ve been working with DNA codes that tell us things such as “You are beauty”, “You are gold”, “You are an emanation of the Creator”. This was meant to be part of our physical body so that it is intrinsic from the time we’re born. Perhaps part of the ancestral healing is to locate that point in time when the ancestors forgot these things when the DNA, and this includes the mitochondrial DNA of the mother lineage, was damaged, “stolen” or disassembled.
August is a very significant month. Wondrous things happening but could also be challenging for some. We’re all going through this differently. And just because one person seems to be handling it fine and you’re not doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re “not doing it”. I feel like some of us keep some sanity while others are in the muck then vice versa.
It’s becoming increasingly more physical. Matter is changing as I’ve been feeling electrons spinning in unison across the Universe. Everything is harmonizing into Oneness and Wholeness because WE SAID THE OLD GAME IS OVER. I keep my gaze to the point of origin before distortions ever existed and ALL is being healed, yes, even the archons and hideous miscreations.
Other August dates that feel significant:
8-8-2024 - stay tuned for another blog in a few days as I’m seeing the healing of Orion and that the Orion Nebula is actually a galactic hub! There will be an activation of the high heart (8D chakra at that thymus level) and some call the universal heart and collective consciousness.
8-13-2024 - like 8-4 emerald sun through octagon again
8-14-2024 - Jupiter and Mars alignment. It’s my understanding that Jupiter is the planet of expansion and this feels significant as the high heart and universal connection activates for more people. Others may also experience a physical body expansion as the cells themselves awaken to harmonize with the entire body. Even genetically my awareness is saying at the moment. Mars feels very physical to me from the perspective that it's the human vessel that lands in this solar system.
8-22-2024 - another 8-4
And somewhere in here, is a full moon.
As you all know, I’m not an astrologer. I’m speaking energetically and what my “higher senses” are pointing me to. I draw my visions to gain clarity of the vision is energetically saying. All in all, an AWE-MAZING month! Hang in there.
Eternal Templar Cross

Recently, before my friend Chastity of @Alchemy of Sophia and I were about to meet, we were informed to “correct the Templar cross” (2nd image). When we met we were shown that the Templar cross we’ve seen is inverted and that the outer points should actually be in the center and open to the eternal flow of Christ Consciousness. These were seals closing off nodal points in ley lines and even in our bodies. As seals over ley lines, they blocked histories of the earth and also timelines. One reason for the seals was to quarantine us after the fall of the masculine (i’m greatly abbreviating here for the sake of space). All is opening up now and the Eternal flow of Christ Spirit is coming through. Thus the Eternal Templar Cross looks like a diamond portal that goes to the “point of origin of our universe.” Afterward when I drew it, it was apparent that the center brought through this eternal river of the Eternal Spirit of Christ which infuses all matter and all “dimensions” and timelines. And when I say “all matter”, I mean matter as in subatomic substances and atoms. This Christ Spirit is beyond any one man or form. The Christ Spirit is the trinity or tri-wave, and again, not about 1 religion, which is the basis of this universe hundreds of billions of years old.

Recently, a peridot sun began emanating into our world (3rd image). The Christ Spirit is infusing into the subatomic substances and thus infusing all matter. And I mean all “mater”. Sense what resonates from your union of heart and mind for this is how we’ll navigate these days as all the veils fall away!

Other recent images shared on social media. These are drawings while doodling. Fell what they may do for you,

The Eternal Templar Cross makes so much sense to me and resonates on a very deep level. It is unlocking much wisdom within. As a grid specialist the diamond geometry along with the spirals often was infused at specific nodal points at specific times, I now understand on a much deeper level what we were doing. I love how the pieces come together when you aren't trying to put them in place. I am very grateful for you and your gifts/sharing. Much love