This is going to be a quick blog like the last blog I just put out. Remember, these represent the energy emanating from within them. Scroll down to see of its moons.
On August 14, 2024, There will be an exact alignment of Jupiter and Mars. It's my understanding from sidereal astrologists reports that it will square Saturn which can be challenging. On July 15, 2024 we had a Mars and Uranus alignment which felt very powerfully transformative and now this is a Jupiter-Mars alignment which feels like the next level activation,
Remember, if people do not seem to be feeling these, it's ok. they're activations and people will get them as is appropriate for them.
Jupiter is a planet of expansion; heart expansion, and this one feels like high heart activation and expansion, too. If you saw the last blog, the high heart is the universal heart and connects us to the universe and the collective. It is also very galactic. Galactic memories may be returning for some. The expansive energy of the Eternal Christ Spirit is healing us at all levels and thus the galactic memories and many timelines are also healing.
This Jupiter-Mars aglignment is in Taurus so it feels very physical. I'm not sure why but squaring Saturn feels like it's about breaking timeline loops, karmic patterns, and in the physical body, it's also about breaking looping patterns of behavior like thoughts and emotions. How this affects each person and the world stage is yet to be seen.
A note to the parents of Autists, it may also be a break in their behavior patterns and how they've been responding to energetics. I'm sensing that in Samantha. She's had a pattern of self-injurious behaviors when the energy is intense so it requires a different response from those around her. Fortunately, for myself, I have felt calmer inside. I'm not 100% there in all cases but I feel a balance within. This is the beginning embodiment of the Trinity or triwave patterns, it feels like, so I can witness her from a more balanced place. It feels like it takes less effort because I feel it deep within. But who knows, there may come a point when there's more patterns to break and it will show up in me in "not so pretty ways."
The higher energy of Jupiter feels like it's from it's entire system, meaning it includes its moons. I drew its four largest moons several months ago and this feels like the right time to share. The images are not in any particular order.
