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Cygnus, the Cradle of Lyra, Denisovans & Autism?

Writer's picture: Susan OrosSusan Oros

Leo the Great White Lion

Part of this blog is a segment from a Patreon post shared on that platform in January for cosmic members so please excuse the flow of the message; it may seem disjointed.

This is a fascinating presentation by Andrew Collins: The Cygnus Key - The Denisovan Legacy,Gõbekli Tepe, and the Birth of Egypt. How he connects the Denisovan human to "autism" is very interesting so watch to the end.

He has an interesting twist to the pyramids of Giza and their alignment to constellation Cygnus also known as the Swan constellation. 

For those of you in our cosmic member group, in the Feb 20, 2024 presentation, I talked about a Lyran who had come to me during an in-between sleep/awake phase on 5/10/2020. He removed an implant in my brainstem and I suddenly went through a vortex or portal and came out at the Cradle of Lyra. I felt I had seen it with my very own eyes. I wrote a blog for those who wish to see the images I drew after. 

The male Lyran has been a source of much information in recent days. When I asked him how I went through this portal, he said in 2020 that I teleported to constellation Cygnus, opened an ancient portal that had been closed and came out at the Cradle of Lyra which spans the 10th, 11th, and 12th dimensions. It is where the human genome is seeded from the 5th Harmonic Universe (HU) or 13,14,15D. And btw, I came across one website that our sun aligned to Cygnus from Jan 21 - Feb 24 which also happened to be a full moon in Leo. I haven't been able to find confirmation from an astronomer regarding this alignment but if it's true, it is very interesting that February 24 happened to be a full moon in Leo (sidereal astrology).

Leo is related to Ra and also the founder vast god-like beings of Lyrans, the Lion Sun or Son, and is like the archetype of the foundation of the human soul. Why is Christ also represented by the Lion in Christian theology?

More information arises at the right time, and watching this presentation by Andrew Collins connects many dots for me. In recent  weeks, new awarenesses have been arising about Egypt, the healing of the Ra lineage, and the true Lioness represented by the Sphinx. 

One of the insights that came through from the Lyran and Samantha was that the entire Giza area was to be the Temple of Ra. One of the points that Andrew Collins makes in this video is that the top points of the Giza pyramids actually align to the stars of the wing portion of Cygnus. He begins with a discussion about the journey of the Pharoahs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure upon their death in the pyramids. Meaning that each of the 3 pyramids represent tombs of these pharaohs, and each are to make a journey back to the Cosmic Womb, accessed through the constellation Cygnus. I feel this is the Cradle of Lyra which is our cosmic womb or cosmic cradle.

If you watch the video to the end, he also talks about the Denisovans, an earlier human, and that some of their genes are "autism genes". He discusses this in the last 15 minutes or so and living with Samantha, I can honestly feel this connection. There's a sense about these individuals that they are connected to the cosmos and their repetitive behaviors and odd behaviors are for a reason. I can watch Samantha when she's in her bed, under her blanket, and seemingly completely engrossed in moving energy. It's as if she is cosmically moving energy, tapping on grid points galactically, universally, and cosmically. Were these Denisovans cosmically placed here with different genes to develop a cosmic sense in the physical? I feel a heat sensation of 'yes' just writing that question.

I will let each of you decide.

Additional images and insights from a previous patreon cosmic member post.

I’ve been working with Leo/Lion energy since the last half of December 2023.. As those of you who are artists yourself know, when you’re really in the energy, the drawings emerge and flow much more readily. I’ve never been able to draw lions in quite the way they’ve been emerging. If you watched my YouTube video about Uranus and Pluto conjunction in Leo through several years in the sign of Leo, this is the energy coming through. Radical transformation for the planet; particularly the heart of Leo. This heart energy of Leo the lion speaks of the true regal soul of Humanity and who we are as souls expressing in human bodies.

Leo Rising & the Awakening of the Human Collective Heart & Soul

The image above was inspired when taking a drive along the ocean here. I didn’t actually “see” what I drew above but felt I was seeing 5th dimensional energy coming through. Consequently, the sun emits a green heart energy (4D of heart). As I started drawing, I could feel the white lion of Leo coming through. He is a white lion indicating something ancient. The white hair symbolizes ancient wisdom achieved through the many lessons traversing the realms and in particular the lessons of being human. This feels collective. Collective human lessons. We can witness this playing out to various degrees as a war has been stirred up in the middle east, and the resistance to the propaganda.

Note the birds and the animals in the image. Golden eagle, pelicans (we have a lot of pelicans here), and 3 dragons that aren’t as defined. The turtle is significant as the grandmother turtle codes are activating. Grandmother Turtle Codes

The Liger image is one I had originally drawn in November 2022 and felt guided to update and clean up. The liger has qualities of both the tiger and the lion. When I took a quick read about the lion spirit and the tiger spirit, I felt both qualities are in this image. The lion is regal, graceful, and powerful in a very gentle fatherly way. The tiger is more cautious, contemplating, patient, and feeling/sensing of its environment and weighs when to make its move. It knows how to be still until the right moment. It feels like a powerful essence of the mother. Of course, lions and all feline animals do this but it seems to be more prominent in tigers. The liger seems to have significance for Samantha as a sort of guardian in the physical for her. I feel the white lion in the heart, the center of the chest. The liger, on the other hand, I feel on the high heart. Just see how it feels for you.

-Susan, Samantha, and the Family

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