This is an edit to this blog to add a couple of links that might of interest to our readers.
Geomagnetic Jerk and the September 2022 Energetic Synthesis newsletter, Confrontation in Malta.
The magnetic principle or force has been recognized to be the feminine aspect or expression of Source. It’s associated with the emotional or feeling aspect, the female principle which has been suppressed and distorted in this epoch. I would even add that the masculine principle has also been distorted. So many suffered from the absence of the true Source Masculine and Feminine. The rise of this Cosmic Magnetic Mother is another major and pivotal step towards correcting the distortions that have plagued this 3D earth living.
The year of 2022 continues to baffle me (and I’d dare say, many others). Since the alignment on 2-22-2022, what’s occurring is beyond astounding. Last week, when a vision of this image above first appeared through Samantha’s energy field, it became evident that this magnetic mother is more powerful than we’ve ever known. The sphere in the center felt like a living breathing force that emerged through the 13th dimension. The 13th dimension is depicted as the elliptical shape in the background. The geometric chambers within aligned to bring forth this breathing sphere. In the center, appeared that six pointed cross-like image. The tips reminded me of the Maltese cross which had been “high jacked” many centuries ago (reference ES newsletter on Malta) and it felt like another aspect of the Source Mother reclaiming her stake in this world.
After drawing the image, these words flowed:
“The Magnetic Mother is breathing, pulsing, polarizing that which is not organic to send it back to Source, the Omnipotent Field of Oneness. She is not here to punish or to blame but to discern. The Repulsion pulse of her breath comes with Love; Love for all life, all creation, all matter. Stand ready to align yourself to your soul because your very soul essence has a spark of this magnetic power. It speaks to you loudly, clearly, and engages you in activities of life to flourish and make new all the creations you have to birth. It sings and harmonizes the songs of Sophia with the Christos. It dissolves thoughts and patterns to uncreate what’s finished. It cleanses and renews for life to begin again. Like fresh water, the deepest of thirst is quenched so you may feel new again.
The Magnetic Mother is revived to support the birth of the new where thoughts and beliefs of the old cannot play.”
A feeling of cleansing and purifying comes through as if this magnetic power also exists as a liquid state. As it washes through our physical realm, there’s this sense of discernment as to what is organic and what is not. This is what is meant by the “Repulsion pulse”. Like eyes scanning and feeling the states of our manifestations, this power is discerning. There’s a neutrality to it and an inner knowing, however. Interestingly, it does not feel violent or aggressive although the words might be construed to be so by some. For those of us who can align to this, we can flow with it, letting the liquid aspect of this magnetic power to uplift our bodies and manifestations to set us on the ascending track and timelines opening in omnidirectional ways that’s in alignment with our soul trajectory.
The last sentence there is key, “The Magnetic Mother is revived to support the birth of the new where thoughts and beliefs of the old cannot play.” This is perhaps the most challenging path of this ascension as we cannot take old foundations that created these distortions, and yet we are nervous as to how we will survive when we rely on the financial and economic systems which, in modern times, is our very survival. Will we become hunters and gatherers again scrounging for morsels in harsh conditions? While it seems some on the planet are attempting to decimate our current “modernized” lifestyles, I am repeatedly assured that the 7 higher heavens are watching very, very closely and will not allow us to fall to a state where we operate in desperation for survival since that would essentially eradicate all the progress we have made thus far. And although these attempts at ascension in the past may have failed, too much has opened and flooded our world to stop it now.
The sheer omnipresent will of this Magnetic aspect of the Source Mother is available to everyone who can see beyond their 3D egoic minds and beliefs. Just as the word ‘magnetic’ implies, it is drawing us to this ascending pathway and calls our souls to return home; to let the old dissipate and surrender to the currents of Omnipotent Love that floods the earth in all its multidimensional layers and aspects.
There’s even a sense that what the controllers don’t understand is that what they purposely do to decimate the human will, actually is accelerating their own demise. Relying on past prophesies, they believe they have established fail safe mechanisms for themselves, not realizing that they play a pivotal role in dismantling the old systems. “And this is your opportunity, humans. From the very depths of your soul which is becoming more and more enmeshed with your body, you will know what to build. Communities will form based on the authenticity and gifts of your soul. The very 3D earth as some of you call, Terra, supports you. The plants, the animals, the devic and elemental realms support you for they no longer wish to be subjugated by the will of a few who do not care. Life flourishes and abundance is your true state of being. New technologies which does not harm life but enhances it will abound with this Magnetic Mother principle.”
The other aspect of the rise of this magnetic power is that how we remain on earth will change. We have thought that it’s gravity that tethers us to the earth but with the Magnetic Mother’s presence through the earth, we are drawn to be here by our soul union with the earth. It should be noted that this Magnetic Mother is not the earth herself or Gaia as some of you call the consciousness of earth, but the Cosmic Magnetic Mother. Thus, you may begin to feel changes in your lower dan tien as this lower dan tien has a magnetic quality. You will write a new contract with the earth, so to speak, and the voice of your soul will become louder in your physical body. The return of this magnificent Mother principle will also help us to change density because in a sense, gravity weighs us down and makes us feel more dense. It leaves me wondering, if gravity exists at all. There is something about the sheer pure power of the magnetic force. It's like waking up to another level of the cosmos. How the process of density changes looks and how long it will take is unknown to me but this is how it feels. The connection to the earth just feels cleaner, brighter, and refreshing.
Embodiment such as this has never been known in this way and the year of 2022 is only the beginning. Each step of this process cannot be mapped out nor can you be shown exactly how it will all transpire because it will be different in each region of the earth. Trust in your knowing that you will be guided to the right place at the right time. Corridors to the old systems and foundations are closing. Simultaneously, however, new ones are opening and there are ever more beings assisting us in a multitude of ways, and although the controllers believe they have algorithmically cracked the code to human behavior and our genes, they are sadly blind to the wave that can take over when the power of the collective Human Soul chooses Omni-Love. The Magnetic Mother calls to us. She sings a song that is ringing through her magnetic field. Those of us aligned will feel the power of this song in our hearts while those of sociopathic consciousness will feel the song like screeches in their very bones. Remember, this year is just the beginning. Take heart and know that you are so dearly loved and not forgotten.
Hello Susan,
thank you for this more I depth message/analysis around the rising of Magnetic Mother !
i feel this is one I can forward again to a number of friends who are non members who can benefit from your wise words.
the lower Dan tien has certainly been “very busy“ in my body too, reading your message certainly helped me discern and understand the significance.
in loving gratitude,